

なんでだろうなぁ どうして舞花から返事が来るだけで心臓がバクバクして、 吐き気がするんだろう・・・今日はとりあえずバイトあったし、ちょっとだけ飲んで寝ることで抑えられたけど、 うわーキツイ。毎回そう。ここ2週間ほどね。昨日は返事してくれただけ…


I didn't drink today. I don't know exactly myself but I guess, I got her replies most ever in this 2 weeks, and she was about to make a date to see me for the last.Yes, for the last.The last, but it is huge for me.But first of all, if I co…


It was... about to be in a hotel with spa today. But I did sucks, so it couldn't be happened.I blame myself. I made this.I think I should get over her so many time. But every time I get a reply from her, I happen to cry loud. I can't stop …


I don't think I can sleep without alcohol every night.I mean, this is so hard to stand alone.What can I do now...What can I do now... Seriously.

160221 Are you happy now?

Are you happy now?In this whole week, I have reversed whole thing I ate at dinner. I can't stand with this, I have to throw up. After this, I asked to my self, "Am I happy now? So drunk, all thrown up, am I happy?"You said I'm scary. What …


♪悲しい過去も 今は過ぎ去った思い出 付き合ってた頃は怒ってばかりで 別れてから「ごめんね」なんとなく歌っぽいから書いてみた朝4時半、 とても喉が渇いた僕は起きてしまった。 スマホの画面がついていることに気づき、誰かから連絡が来たんだとわかった。…

